Legends of Norrath Wiki
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Legends of Norrath Wiki

This wiki covers the defunct virtual CCG, Legends of Norrath. A tie-in product to EverQuest, the game server was online from 2007–2016. It was published by Sony Online Entertainment, later to become Daybreak.

Archived Official Sites

To write a new article, enter the name, properly capitalized, into the search box. If we already have it, it will take you there. If not, you will see a link to create this page.

ALL cards for the initial set have been imported en masse thanks to the folks that made the LoN Card Spreadsheet but they did not have ALL the info. 296 cards were imported, all of which need: effectname, gametext, loretext and images.

Please go to Cards or the Oathbound Card Checklist, find the cards you have and help us fill in the missing data!

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<createbox> width=24 break=no buttonlabel=Create new article </createbox>

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Legends of Norrath - The top level of all trees


  • June 2016: Legends of Norrath Closure Notification
    • Legends of Norrath has not had an active development team for quite some time and in the best interest of our company and players, we have made the difficult decision to close the servers on Wednesday, August 17, 2016 at Noon Pacific Time.
    • Purchasing Legends of Norrath booster packs and the monthly All Access Membership claim of Legends of Norrath booster packs will no longer be available after Monday, July 18, 2016 at 10AM Pacific Time.
    • All loot rewards and packs in the Legends of Norrath client will need to be open and claimed on your character prior to when the servers close to ensure that your loot rewards are available in EverQuest and EverQuest II.
  • Dec. 19: The first expansion, Forsworn, went live today!
  • Dec. 8: SOE is getting SERIOUS about the tournaments! The Dec. 15-16 tournament will have $5,000 in cash, in addition to other prizes, up for grabs! The winner gets into Gen Con Indy (all paid by SOE) for the Chanmpionship Tournament, and a LON card with their likeness on it!
  • Sept. 25: Legends of Norrath Promotion Weekend Sept. 28-30 - From 2pm PDT on Friday till 11:59pm PDT on Sunday drop rates in EQ1 and EQ2 for cards, booster packs and starter decks will be significantly increased! Also 2 promotional cards, Hatred (1P1) and Switch (1P2) will be dropping in-game! See this forum post for the full announcement. --FlorenceSopher
  • Sept. 23: SOE canceled the second tourney day (Sunday) as they are still chasing the bugs that caused the double crash under load on Saturday. Watch for announcements of future testing tournaments. (source: LoN Forums)
    • All players that were in the tournament on Saturday when it crashed have a 1 in 10 chance of receiving a booster pack. Login and check your deliveries to see if you are a winner! (source: LoN Forums)
  • On Sept. 21st, SOE broadcast the following message to all EQ1 and EQ2 players:
SYSTEM MESSAGE: Are you a Legends of Norrath TCG Enthusiast? Then check out the No Entry Fee Tournaments that will be running this Saturday 9/22 and Sunday 9/23! For more info, visit http://legendsofnorrath.station.sony.com/community.vm
SYSTEM MESSAGE: To participate in this and future tournaments, your account must be registered for the tournament feature. For information on how to register your account for tournament play, please visit the link above.
  • On Sept. 15th, Florence said... Redesign of the Main Page to display the playmat behind the panels. No ferret shock in sight!

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